Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A new project

The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is check the mail.  I walk from my bedroom, down the stairs, through the front door, expecting to just bring in the familiar stack of letter-sized envelopes addressed to random past tenants of 216 Division Street scattered with a random circular or two.  But there it is, the misfit 5"x7" hand-addressed colored envelope bringing a smile and a changed day.

I'm starting a new project in June to send a personal note to one person every week of the year.  I know what joy and excitement it brings to my day; so why not give it to 52 other people this upcoming year?  Take on this "pay it forward" challenge with me.  Keep sending the love.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

This can't be happening!

SNL will never be the same because of this.