Thursday, May 10, 2012

A (re)hello to blogging.

I'm back in Wisconsin after completing my first year of graduate school.  Weird.  And we all say it every year, but time has flown by.

So I'm sitting here at my parents' house, listening to music, eating lunch on the screen porch, and enjoying the sunshine waiting for my mom to get home from school so we can go shopping.  Life is good.

Isn't school weird?  I mean, I'm paying money to work my butt off for nine months of the year, just to have two weeks of relaxing and then a job in another state for two months.  Only to do it all over again starting in August.  And I'm paying this money and going through all of this work to (hopefully) get a job where I will be overworked as an entry level employee.

Now, this may sound like some bitter diatribe against education, but I'm really not angry.  If I forget that I'm paying for this lifestyle, it is just what I would want forever.  I'm doing the work that I love, I'm traveling, I have built-in relaxing time... It's lovely.  It's just confusing.  Ah, the life of a student.  Well, it will be over soon enough for me, so on to the bigger and better world of adult living!