Monday, December 27, 2010

Good Maternal Genetics

I had a great day today visiting my Great Grandma in northern Wisconsin, and let me tell you, I've never seen a 98-year-old woman look so great.  It had been almost 3 years since I had last seen her, and she is still as witty and wonderful as I remember.  She continuously teased my grandpa about stealing her chocolates and insisted that she hid them all before he arrived.  And my favorite memory of the visit was her answer to the question, "Grandma, you still have your walker?"  "Yeah, they still make me walk up and down the hall a few times each day."  They make her? Oh, no big deal that she has almost a century and can still use her legs!  And at the end of the visit, we told her not to get in any trouble until we see her again.  She responded with, "Oh, we don't do anything here anyways."  Seriously witty!

I love you, Great Grandma! Here's to an awesome 99th year for you!

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