Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I post a lot of lyrics from Jars of Clay, and if you haven't gathered, I think they have a lot of great things to say and a really powerful way of saying them.  Well, here is yet another case.  Their new album, The Shelter, is incredible.  While their last few record releases have been rockin', this one is absolute worship.

The most powerful moment for me on the new album comes with "Out of My Hands."  I often find myself needing this reminder- to find ultimate surrender.  Why do I think I can experience life on my own?  Why can't I realize what a burden that is?  I can surely give it my all and pat myself on the back most days for my accomplishments, but what is that really doing?  If I would surrender, however, my days, hours, and minutes to Him, I am able to wait patiently in awe of God's wonder.

One of my dear friends just sent the following quote to another one of my close friends:

"I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess."- Luther

Yes, permanent possession through surrender.  Ah.

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